What Is 316L Stainless Steel & Is It Safe For Jewelry?

The 316L Stainless Steel jewelry has become fairly popular in recent times due to its wide range of useful characteristics. The 316L stainless steel is high-temperature resistant, corrosion-resistance, non-magnetic, high-steel density (60% and above), and retains its luster for a long time. 

One of the key qualities that differentiate 316L stainless steel from other types of stainless steel, like 304 and 316 stainless steel, is the high molybdenum and low carbon content. It enhances the corrosion-resistance quality of this type of steel, making it hypoallergenic. And this is what makes it a perfect ornament-quality stainless steel for use in jewelry. 

What Does 316L Mean On a Jewelry?

The 316L Stainless Steel is medical-grade surgical steel. It has less carbon content than other steel types and offers a perfect color for a wide range of jewelry, including bracelets, rings, pendants, earrings, chains, etc. In fact, the 'L' in 316L (0.03% max) signifies low carbon content.

The 316L Stainless Steel is also preferred for use in watches, marine, and invasive medical devices due to its high tensile strength and non-corrosive qualities. 

Benefits of 316L Stainless Steel

There are many benefits offered by 316L Stainless Steel compared to other stainless steel variants, making it perfect for use in jewelry. These benefits include –

High Tensile Strength

316L Stainless Steel will not deform easily, unlike other stainless steel types. It will maintain its structural integrity and color even under harsh conditions. 

Anti-Oxidant Quality

The anti-oxidant characteristic of 316L Stainless Steel provides it strength and hardness, making it a long-lasting material for use in jewelry. It makes 316L Stainless Steel Jewelry less prone to wear and tear than other stainless jewelry types.

The best part is the wearer doesn't have to worry about their skin turning green. It is a common occurrence seen with other types of metal when coming in contact with skin. 

Rust & Tarnish Resistant

Being corrosion resistant and having high tensile strength makes it rust and tarnish-resistant, one of the key qualities consumers look for in durable jewelry. 


316L Stainless Steel can make a wide range of jewelry due to its versatility and welding properties.

The 316L Stainless Steel doesn't show aging signs, is scratch-resistant, and doesn't need much maintenance. Just wipe it clean using mild soap and water, and it's good to go.


If you don't want to buy expensive gold or silver jewelry, buying 316L stainless steel jewelry is a feasible option. It's affordable, durable, and looks great. Moreover, it does imitate the look of more expensive sterling silver. 

Does 316L Stainless Steel Change Color?

One of the reasons why 316L stainless steel jewelry has become popular in the fashion world is because it doesn't lose its color and shine. Most metals lose their shine when subjected to various environmental conditions and may even lose their color. 

However, 316L Stainless Steel can even avoid UV rays, ensuring it doesn't lose its color for a long time to come. 

Moreover, the surface looks of 316L stainless steel can be customized as per requirement, ranging from shiny to a matte finish. 

316L Stainless Steel is Hypoallergenic

The fact that 316L stainless steel is a medical-grade metal that's hypoallergenic. This makes it a suitable choice for people prone to allergies when using jewelry of other metals. 

This metal is even suitable for people with sensitive skin as it doesn't contain hazardous metals. There is no risk of this type of steel causing any skin reaction. 


Overall, it can be said without a doubt that 316L stainless steel jewelry is perfect for you if you're looking for classy, affordable, and aesthetically beautiful jewelry that retains its luster for a long time.

Once you start using 316L stainless steel jewelry, the only regret you'll have is why you didn't start using it earlier. 


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